So I've started a blog, how very modern of me. I'm not
generally a modern type of gal, in fact it is only in the past few months I've
embraced Twitter and the smartphone revolution.
I like old things, they always seem to be made with more care, to have more character; all utter nonsense I'm sure but in this age of Primarche and Ikea (both of which I admit to regularly frequenting) it seems nothing is made to last, it's all about instant gratification, getting the right look now and throwing it away tomorrow. So as I am also poverty stricken with saving for THE wedding, I am trying not to buy new. This means charity shopping, car boot sales (please, please let me know of any ones you would recommend) and lusting after the goods for sale at the local antique shops.
So far our tiny (repeat TINY) flat is a mishmash of Ikea and charity shop randoms which often also seem to have originally derived from Ikea, and it drives me crazy. There will be photos and more rants about how crazy it drives me at some point soon no doubt...
I am also collecting old plates, candle sticks etc. for the wedding (which should always be followed by the dun dun der music of imposing doom). Our wedding, the small, outdoor, candle lit wedding that is now the large wedding, inside, during daylight hours, but the gods were kind and we found this little lovely, hidden amongst the sand dunes of North Wales...
I like old things, they always seem to be made with more care, to have more character; all utter nonsense I'm sure but in this age of Primarche and Ikea (both of which I admit to regularly frequenting) it seems nothing is made to last, it's all about instant gratification, getting the right look now and throwing it away tomorrow. So as I am also poverty stricken with saving for THE wedding, I am trying not to buy new. This means charity shopping, car boot sales (please, please let me know of any ones you would recommend) and lusting after the goods for sale at the local antique shops.
So far our tiny (repeat TINY) flat is a mishmash of Ikea and charity shop randoms which often also seem to have originally derived from Ikea, and it drives me crazy. There will be photos and more rants about how crazy it drives me at some point soon no doubt...
I am also collecting old plates, candle sticks etc. for the wedding (which should always be followed by the dun dun der music of imposing doom). Our wedding, the small, outdoor, candle lit wedding that is now the large wedding, inside, during daylight hours, but the gods were kind and we found this little lovely, hidden amongst the sand dunes of North Wales...
The entrance to the tiny church yard
The back
The inside
The beach behind
it just the lovliest?! It is really old and doesn't even have electricity, it's
beautiful. But there is a catch, well a couple actually, the first is that it
fits 80 people, well the boy has to invite every aunt, uncle, and cousin twice
removed and replaced with a robot, which leaves very little room. The second
catch is that it is in North Wales, not quite commuting distance from Shefftown
and to qualify to get married there we have to go every month, but isn't it so
worth it?!
we wanted an outdoor wedding at night by candle light until my married friend
had to break it to me that here in England you have to be married indoors and
before 6pm. Who makes up these silly rules?!
will be so much more about THE wedding (dun dun der!)...
there you have it, my first post. A mini moan about consumerism and a long gush
about our church.