Sunday, 23 January 2011

So where the devil have I been?!

Indeed where have I been? I start a blog and then disappear...well where do I begin?

Christmas was manic, I mean really manic. The boy and I had the genius idea to invite any of our friends who couldn't get home for Christmas for dinner at our insey, teeny, weeny flat. So with us, 8 people needed to be crammed in to our living room which was already being largely taken up by a humongous, yet twinkley, Christmas tree.

On top of this we also had to visit all our family in both Wales and Birmingham in the snow

I cooked for two days! TWO whole days. The meal included a large turkey, a ham (bought from Joe's, the best butchers in the world and based in Bala, North Wales), a mushroom wellington for the vegetarian, a wide variety of veg, stuffing, home made cranberry sauce, and then all the usual things like mince pies, cakes and cheeses. In the end I was so exhausted (little did I know the full reason for this at the time) I didn't take any pics of the sumptuous meal that we made.

Then I got ill.

To cheer me up whilst I was poorly sick the Boy surprised me with a bunch of sweet pink carnations!

New year came and went in a fevered state. We watched the original Star Wars trilogy and pretty much went to bed.

On New Years day I woke up feeling more human and the Boy, being the sweetie that he is, made me fresh bread for breakfast mmmm. 

As I was feeling more like my old self I decided it was time to take up some knitting and began making the obligatory scarf, which is currently laid to one side with the suspicion that I have messed it up and may need to start again. I just don't think I have enough patience...

Other lovely things we managed to do over the holiday period were to go to see Swan Lake which was looovely (and has inspired me to look for adult ballet classes) and spent a day thrifting and bunting making in an attempt to look like we are proactively planning the wedding (due to take place in just over 6 months!).

I found some lovely fabrics, plates and some clothes (not for really for the wedding but clearly a necessary purchase!)

And for some it the entire holiday season was all too much...

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