Well, long time no words. It's me not you. It's life to be more precise. I work two jobs, I am involved with several other projects as well as doing my studies and the blog is my rare moment of sanity.
I know I said I would post about the allotment but the allotment is currently a unhappy subject and something we have had to give up for various reasons. So there may not be the allotment posts, but just pretend this is the kind of thing you would have seen and read about:
Taken from here
In reality our allotment probably would never look like this!
So I have decided in my attempt to quell this disappointment I will tell you about my recent trip to Vienna.
It was for a conference on pottery held at the natural history museum which sadly was the only museum I managed to squeeze in, despite it being the long night of the museums where they all open to 1am. It was also Oktoberfest so there were lots of these
So here are a few shots of what is an amazing city, one which I can not wait to go back to when I have time to explore it properly!
Starting with the natural history museum - I work with geology so am a little mineral obsessed
This is salt, can you believe how pretty it is?!
This is gold!
This is some very old art
And now to my favourites, the ANIMALS!

You lookin at me?!
It was a lovely traditional museum, you can imagine grand ladies and gents back in the day strolling quietly around, the swish of long dresses and the squeak of mens shoes.
Part two still to come, you lucky people!
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